Monday, June 05, 2006

Frantic, Freaked Out and Frenzied!

Three more days and we’ll be doing set-up for the Celebrate Our State show. Sue and I are both starting to freak out – there’s so much that still needs to be done.

The booth size is 13 by 8. We are used to doing 20 by 10, so the layout of the booth had to be reworked. And, we won’t be displaying Christmas ornaments, holiday merchandise or scarf and hat sets in June. So I spent an evening with my graph paper, working on how to do the set-up. I came up with several alternatives, Sue has picked which one she likes the best, and we loaded the horse trailer accordingly. Yes, horse trailer – that’s how we get all the display to the shows – Sue’s horse trailer does double duty.

Here’s a link to pictures of last year’s Southern Christmas Show booth, so that you can get an idea of our set-up:

The new business cards with the address are ready. The reminder lists of what we need to bring to the show are updated. I started working on a brochure to hand out.

But there’s so much left to do! Toys to finish up. The table covers and lace that we use to cover up the crates need to be freshened. We need a non-Christmas custom sign, if Sue gets a chance to get it made. Organize all the merchandise, tag it, get it packed up. Finalize who is going to take care of the dogs. It’s going to be a busy couple of evenings!

Next time we’ll let you know how the show went.
